Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Content Management Techniques for Fact-Checking: Models, Algorithms, and Tools (ContentCheck) is a 4-year project starting in January 2016, supported by ANR under DEFI 7 - Société de l'information et de la communication. The project is coordinated by Ioana Manolescu; Bogdan Cautis and Michaël Thomazo also participate. Other partners are U. Rennes 1, INSA Lyon, Le Monde's fact-checking team, and the LIMSI lab of Université Paris Sud. The project aims at establishing fact-checking as a data management problem, and endow it with the appropriate fundamental models, algorithm and tools, validated in interaction with the journalists.

Apprentissage Adaptatif pour le Crowdsourcing Intelligent et l'Accès à l'Information (ALICIA) is a 4-year project, started in February 2014, supported by the ANR CONTINT call. The project is coordinated by Bogdan Cautis, with Nicole Bidoit, and Ioana Manolescu; other partners include LIG (Grenoble) and the Vodkaster company. Its goal is to study models, techniques, and the practical deployment of adaptive learning techniques in user-centric applications, such as social networks and crowdsourcing.

Cloud-Based Organizational Design (CBOD) is a 4-year ANR started in 2014, coordinated by prof. Ahmed Bounfour from Univ. Paris-Sud . Its goal is to study and model the ways in which cloud computing impacts the behavior and operation of companies and organizations, with a particular focus on the cloud-based management of data, a crucial asset in many companies.

Datalyse is funded for 3.5 years as part of the Investissement d'Avenir - Cloud & Big Data national program. The project is led by the Grenoble company Eolas, a subsidiary of Business & Decision. It is a collaboration with LIG Grenoble, U. Lille 1, U. Montpellier, and Inria Rhône-Alpes aiming at building scalable and expressive tools for Big Data analytics.

LabEx, IdEx

Structured, Social and Semantic Search is a 3-year project started in October 2013, financed by the LabEx (Laboratoire d'Excellence) DigiCosme . The project aims at developing a data model for rich structured content enriched with semantic annotations and authored in a distributed setting, as well as efficient algorithms for top-k search on such content.

CloudSelect is a three-years project started in October 2015. It is financed by the Institut de la Société Numérique (ISN) of the IDEX Paris-Saclay; it funds the PhD scholarship of S. Cebiric. The project is a collaboration with A. Bounfour from the economics department of Université Paris Sud. The project aims at exploring technical and business-oriented aspects of data mobility across cloud services, and from the cloud to outside the cloud.


ODIN is a four-year project started in 2014, funded by the Direction Générale de l'Armement, between the SemSoft company, IRISA Rennes and Inria Saclay (Oak ). The project aims to develop a complete framework for analytics on Web data, in particular taking into account uncertainty, based on Semantic Web technologies such as RDF.

Google Award I. Manolescu has received a Google Award in collaboration with X. Tannier from LIMSI. The award is given within a call specifically dedicated to computing tools for computational journalism. The project given the award focuses on “Event Thread Extraction for Viewpoint Analysis”.